Securing America's Future Energy

SAFE Energy Security Prize


These four semifinalists have been selected by expert judges as companies with technologies that can improve America’s energy security by reducing our nation’s dependence on oil. The winners will be announced in Charleston, S.C. on Friday, July 31. The grand prize winner will receive $125,000, with the first-runner up receiving $35,000 and the second-runner up $15,000.

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  • FreeWire Technologies’ Mobi electric vehicle (EV) charger helps eliminate the “charge rage” facing areas with high EV adoption and insufficient charging capacity.
  • Peloton Technology’s wireless communications system and cloud-based management links sensors and braking between pairs of trucks to provide dramatic aerodynamic fuel savings and increased safety.
  • Momentum Dynamics’ High-power wireless charging system delivers energy to electric vehicles via induction ten times faster than plug-in chargers and can help accelerate consumer EV adoption.
  • SeaChange Group’s patented Eco-Hybrid fuel uses glycerol, a byproduct of biodiesel production, to reduce emissions in diesel engines and costs for maritime vessels and off-road equipment.


The 2015 Energy Security Prize is Powered by The InterTech Group
in honor of its Founder, Jerry Zucker.


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